OSTALO / OTHER: Akcija varstva dvozivk med selitvijo / Action for protection of migrating amphibians
Kranj, 5. 3. 2021: Zavod Republke Slovenije za varstvo narave, Mestna občina Kranj in Joštarji so organizirali akcijo varstva dvoživk med njihovo selitvijo, v kateri so ljudje pod Joštom pomagali žabam na njihovih selitvenih poteh k mrestiščem, da so varno prečkale cesto.
Kranj, March 5, 2021: The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation and local authorities in Kranj, Slovenia, organised an annual action for the protection of migrating amphibians on the roads, an event taking place each year when frogs begin migrating to their spawning grounds and crossing roads talong the way. To protect them from being ran over, volunteers, most often families with children, carry them across the road.